Description of the company

People in Peril (previously known as People in Need Slovakia) is a Slovak non-profit organization, providing direct support to those who suffer the consequences of war, to victims of natural disasters, or those living in poverty on the margins of society. People in Peril was founded 1999 by a group of journalists moved by their experience of the devastating consequences of the conflict in Kosovo on civilians and has since then been providing humanitarian and development assistance worldwide. Currently, People in Peril is one of the major humanitarian actors in Slovakia responding the Ukraine crisis both in Slovakia and across border in Ukraine. 
From 2016-2023, we operated as a member of the People in Need network operating from Central Europe. After a significant increase in our capacities following the response to the Ukraine crisis, we altered our affiliation with People in Need Czech Republic in 2024 and are continuing our operations under the name People in Peril. Our aspiration is to become a member of the European humanitarian NGOs family implementing principled aid in humanitarian crises worldwide, with a focus on restoring social cohesion, livelihoods and well-being of populations affected by forced displacement.
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Jobs: Človek v ohrození, n.o.

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