Description of the company

IMUNA PHARM, a.s. is a Slovak joint-stock company operating in the pharmaceutical industry, with its headquarter in Sarisske Michalany. The main activities of the company are pharmaceutical production, products distribution and sale. Production processes are demanding, in terms of technical requirements and criteria. Main operating area Pharmacy Number of employees 150-199 employees Employee selection process To occupy this position, it is necessary to communicate in English language. Field experience is an advantage. If you would like to apply for this job, please send your CV and consent to personal data processing to the provided e-mail address. Use the name of the job position that you would like to apply for, as the subject of your e-mail. We would like to thank all applicants for your interest in working for our company. We will contact all applicants that meet our qualification and professional requirements and they will be invited to the personal job interview. Company address IMUNA PHARM, a.s. Jarkova 17

Jobs: IMUNA PHARM, a.s.

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